
Courses that I assisted in teaching or contributed to creating.

ROB 102: Introduction to AI and Programming

Research Assistant with professor Chad Jenkins - Winter 2022

I helped in developing code for an undergraduate course in robotics. This involved refining SLAM implementations and controls of a holonomic robot.

ROB 550: Robotics Laboratory

Graduate Student Instructor with Dr. Peter Gaskell - Winter & Fall 2021

As a lab student-instructor assisting students in understanding and applying the concepts that thay had learned through the course. The course consisted of two main projects one focused on topics of SLAM on manipulation.

The SLAM project exposed students to concepts of LIDAR based mapping, particle filter based localization, motion and path planning, exploration, among other related concepts. The manipulation project focused on kinematics and task planning.

Appart from my intructional role, I fixed bugs and contributed to improving the course codebase. I also helped in setting planning course deadlines and grading reports.

EECS 467: Introduction to Autonomous Robotics

Graduate Student Instructor with Professor Benjamin Kuipers - Fall 2020

My primary role over this course was to refine lab projects while assisting students in understanding concepts relating to SLAM and manipluation. Notably, a major design project was a key element of this course. Part of my role involved helping students through thier own projects.